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February 27, 2025, 9AM Central

Cactus SafeDrill® Wellhead Systems
Innovations for faster, safer and more productive solutions

Cactus SafeDrill

Cactus SafeDrill® Wellhead Systems include a complete line of drill-through single piece multi-bowl wellhead systems that enhance field personnel safety and save valuable rig time. These efficient and innovative systems, with a straight bore design and lock ring technology, are safer, easier and faster to install than conventional wellhead systems and maximize the benefits of pad drilling. The unique features of these systems are standard with Cactus.

Cactus SafeDrill ® Wellhead Systems Include:

  • Quick disconnect feature that allows quick BOP nipple up/nipple down
  • Rotatable mandrel casing hangers that make getting casing to bottom easier and accept back pressure valves
  • Lock ring design that eliminates external lock screws and potential safety issues, additional leak paths and personnel interventions
  • Compact, lower profile design that promotes safe handling during drilling operations
  • Mandrel casing hangers and packoffs with positive lock down (contingency casing slips are available)
  • Compatibility with offline cementing during pad drilling operations
  • Ability to install through risers


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