Cactus Q4 and Full Year 2024 Earnings Call: Click Here

February 27, 2025, 9AM Central

When was Cactus founded?

Cactus was founded in 2011.

When did Cactus become a public company?


What stock exchange is Cactus traded on and under what sym

Cactus is traded on the NYSE under the symbol WHD.

Does Cactus have a direct stock purchase plan?

We do not offer a direct stock purchase plan. To purchase shares of WHD stock, you must contact a licensed broker.

How can I purchase Cactus stock?

Shares of WHD stock can be purchased through a licensed broker.

What is Cactus’ ISIN number?


Who is Cactus’ independent registered public accounting firm?

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Who is Cactus’ transfer agent? Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?

Our transfer agent is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC. You may contact them at

Where can I find Cactus’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission?

You can find Cactus’ filings on SEC Filings page or by visiting

How can I get a copy of Cactus’ Annual Report or any other investor materials?

Please visit the Stock Information page.

How do I get added to Cactus’ corporate email distribution list?

Please visit the Email Alerts.


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